「愛 Plan B」福音電影  加拿大首映巡迴

「愛 Plan B」福音電影 加拿大首映巡迴

「愛 Plan B」 福音電影

By The Media Evangelism Association 加拿大影音使團

Date and time

Thu, Dec 1, 2022 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM MST


愛城華人基督教福音堂 Edmonton Christian Community Church

8810 65 Avenue Northwest Edmonton, AB T6E 0J7 Canada

About this event


文國成正和他太太晶晶和家人在夏威夷享受著他退休前的旅行,怎料太太欲被一種罕見的病毒入侵腦部,生命危在旦夕,晶晶最後雖然幸運地從死亡邊緣被救回來,但1/4 腦部已壞死,語言和行動能受到嚴重傷害,國成只有放下他引以為傲的工作,在醫院,在家裡全天候二十四小時去照顧行動不便也不能用言語正常表達自己的妻子。病情的反覆,考驗著彼此的愛情,也考驗著眾人的信仰。愛一個人,就是在對方最需要你的時候,用愛為對方築起一條希望的橋樑,二人一起走下去。國成三次對晶晶重申婚禮中的誓言,同一首歌也出現在晶晶漫長治療歲月裡的三個重要時刻,見證著神的醫治,不一定是眾人的Plan A,更可能是神給我們的Plan B.就在眾人都認為不可能的時候,國成和晶晶,竟能慢步踏著紅地氈,參加女兒的婚禮,更在教堂裡緩缓起舞,就像從前一樣。

This movie is based on a true story, a story of hope and love.

While Kwok Sang Man was enjoying his pre-retirement family vacation in Hawaii, his wife Jing Jing Lim was infected with a rare and deadly virus in her brain. Through medical intervention, Jing Jing was able to survive, but unfortunately 25 percent of her brain cells suffered permanent damage, severely affecting her memories, speech and mobility. As a result, Kwok Sang decided to leave a very rewarding career to provide full-time care to Jing Jing in the hospital and later at home for her recovery. Jing Jing’s recovery was uncertain and rocky, and while they struggled with her inability to communicate, in addition to her limited mobility, this became a test of their faith and commitment to love. “To truly love somebody is to build a bridge of hope and then to cross that bridge with him/her when you are needed the most.”

Coincidenatlly, Kwok Sang’s wedding vow, as well as an inspiring song, emerged at three defining moments during Jing Jing’s prolonged recovery, only to affirm the touch of the healing hands of God. Jing Jing’s pace of recovery may not be the common expectation of a “Plan A”, but it can certainly be God’s provision of a “Plan B.” While most thought it was impossible, Kwok Sang escorted Jing Jing walking down a red carpet aisle to witness their daughter’s wedding ceremony, and later Jing Jing even danced her usual steps, just like the way she moved on the dance floor before.

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